Figure caption: A jewel beetle feeding on _Eucalyptus_ flowers. Credit: Amanda Franklin.

Figure caption: A jewel beetle feeding on Eucalyptus flowers. Credit: Amanda Franklin.

In this online document, we describe the analyses and results of visual models and behavioural assays in the paper Insect visual sensitivity to long wavelengths enhances colour contrast of insects against vegetation (Wang et al. 2022, Scientific Reports). We provide the code for users to run the analyses step-by-step, and produce the figures from the manuscript.

This document is divided into four parts:

  1. Main models : Shows the main visual models in the paper. Additionally, we combined the models using twilight illumination here for comparison.

  2. Opsin-shifted visual systems : Ran the same models as in the main models, but used opsin-shifted LWS receptors instead of filter-shifted ones.

  3. Evenly space : Test for the effect of evenly spaced photoreceptors on chromatic contrast.

  4. Sensitivity analysis: Test if the modelling results are sensitive to photoreceptor ratio.

  5. Behavioural assay: Details about the behavioural assay which we tested if the living jewel beetles could respond to long wavelength light.